Thursday 5 February 2009

It’s been a while


I don’t seem to have written for ages! I’ve spent the last couple of days just wondering what I could blog about and, as it turns out, I’m not too good at thinking!

So, I’ve got myself to sit down in front of my computer and just write – hopefully something constructive will appear…


Nothing to report here at Link_ Towers though, I’m afraid! There aren’t even any news stories that are really grasping my attention.

Except for the weather. How British am I? My, how much do the BBC want to broadcast nationally the fact that it has snowed in London! I feel like I know the entire lay out of all Heathrow runways, every Tube station and about 9 of the major bus routes. I’m not even exaggerating. This riles me! I wish the BBC (ITV aren’t that bad) would learn that London is not a nation and, therefore, should not constitute 80% of air time during the 6 o clock NATIONAL news. Ok, ok, they may not have mentioned London all of the time, but really, Milton Keynes isn’t much better.

Also, I think that these last few days have displayed a fantastic incompetence on behalf of the Weather Centre at actually forecasting the weather! Where I live, the forecast changed 3 times for that night, and, in the end, the “half a meter of snow” came as rain! C’mon, It’s 2009! The technology we have these days is amazing. I think someone needs to invest in some decent Weather…erm…Computers…? and throw out their dated, hearing aid beige machines of the Seventies.



Bring back Michael Fish.

Wednesday 21 January 2009


Bless me Bloggers for I have sinned, this is my first confession.

In my last post I told you about my dieting and Gyming (…I’m pretty sure that’s a word…), but today, I’ve had a bad day!


It started so well. Fruit and Water for Breakfast. Then I finished work and it all went down hill from there! I’ve had TWO lunches and quite a big dinner! I feel right bad. I appreciate that it’s likely you do not care about any of this but I had to write it down somewhere…

Anyway, something a little more topical…

You’ve gotta feel a little sorry for Kelly Brook, don’t you? Fired after only a week! That must be one of the quickest celebrity firings in history! Apparently there was a lot of tension on the set of Britains Got Talent. Especially after Piers Mor Amanda Holden turned up in the same dress as her on the first day of filming. I reckon they should fire Piers Morgan from the panel and keep Kelly Brook. My, how I hate Piers Morgan! (But that’s another blog…)


Still, poor Kelly! I don’t know what’s worse. Being fired after a week or being upstaged by Amanda Holden?

Thursday 15 January 2009

Gym'll Fix It

My stomach is sore. My legs are hurting. My arms and shoulders barely move. I think I'm dead.

Ok, I exagerate. I'm still alive, just.

I've been to the gym! And don't I feel better off for it! Erm, No.
I don't believe, in my heart of hearts that exercise is good for you. Despite what experts say.

Our bodies are programmed with a 'Fight or Flight' response to most things, including pain. Exercise hurts our (my) muscles and, to be honest, I'd much rather be running, or rather driving, away from this pain than feeling the burn of each and every 'rep'.

I don't see how people enjoy this torture! No pain, No gain, they say with a knowing smile. Or, is that the smile of a liar? I think the latter!

If I'm honest though, the one thing I am enjoying about the Gym is seeing the results in the mirror. This I suppose is what makes exercise so addictive to so many. You don't often see a happy morbidly obese person (except for the jolly ones!) but you do see happy, healthy, thin, muscular, toned people. This is because they're addicted to exercise! I must say, I'm being converted.

I'll be back there tomorrow.

...Now...where are my KitKats...?

Sunday 11 January 2009

The Royle Family of Buckingham Palace Estate.

After reading this:

I no longer see the Royal Family as a bunch of upper class 'Toffs'. I see them more like an uneducated, stereotypical working class family. Seriously. They're violent, drunk and oh so Politically Incorrect. To be honest, I prefer this view.

Note: I myself am Working Class, I know that not all of us are uneducated but c'mon. There are alot who are! If you have knowledge of my City, Newcastle, get yourself down Cowgate and see what I mean.

I've actually laughed out loud at much of this article. Inparticular, Prince Philip asking a woman in a Wheelchair if people tripped over her. How we love Prince Philip!

This BBC article is full of these headline making blunders and it just goes to show that, yes, the Royals are very well educated (attending Eton and Oxford et al.) but, they have no idea.

This article comes as Prince Harry is forced to apologise for calling a fellow soldier a "paki". Perhaps I could add racist to my list in the first paragraph too? C'mon, Harry! You must know by now who you are and what you represent. I agree, it must be hard living under the constant eye of the public, the media and the Grandmother, but, Harry, you must be used to it by now! Don't go being racist on video tape! You know how well the tabloids pay for a story involving you. Possibly more than some of your Army colleagues salaries. They will sell you out.

I just feel sorry for Lizzy.

Friday 9 January 2009


I quite like the Conservative party. I think I like their policies (I learnt about them in Social Studies innit, bruv). However, I don't like David Cameron. I don't like his face.

Can you imagine if he was Prime Minister?

I couldn't be done with seeing his squashed Play-Dough face giving us speeches from outside of Number 10 in his awfully posh accent accompanied by his awfully posh comb over. He's too...well...nice. And I don't think we should have a 'nice' Prime Minister. I can't imagine him getting angry enough to take any considerable action against any injustice which may exist.

Yes, he may give a speech to tell us all he doesn't like what's happening in Gaza. Nobody does, and I feel David Cameron is just saying all of this knowing that Gordon Brown is his scape goat.

He's too upper class to take any action against anything that can't be solved with a stern letter.

We shouldn't have a Tim Nice But Dim Prime Minister. We should have a Rough and Ready Prime Minister. No, not Mr Brown, someone braver. I don't think anyone like this exists in politics at the minute, though.

Do we need another Maggie Thatch?

Wednesday 7 January 2009

The Big Freeze

I can't help but think that this cold snap we're having is being a little over exaggerated.

Apparantly it's colder than Reykjavik out there, but, I'm not feeling it. Sure, it's cold. Sure, I'm having to de-ice my car in the morning and sure, somewhere in Britain - probably Scotland - it may have read a half a degree colder than in Iceland. Really though, is there any need for this amount of media coverage? It was just as cold last year and I'm pretty sure it's going to be this cold next year and the year after. If the North Pole hasn't melt and drown us all by then that is!

Monday 5 January 2009

First day back at work.

Well, today was my first day back at work - how awful it was!

To understand why, here's a few things you should know about me:-

I work as a caterer in a small restaurant in Newcastle. Why a 'caterer' and not a chef? Well, as glamourous as the title "Chef Link_" sounds, one can hardly call what I do cooking!
As you can tell, I'm really proud of where I work (!)
I prefer not to say for which company I work for but it's easily guessed. Why not leave your guess as a comment? First to guess correctly wins absolutely nothing!

Please don't judge me for where I work. It was a part time thing to get my through my studies. Now, I'm full time. Don't worry though, I can go to University in September if my career aspirations don't work out - The Police Force.

I digress.

The reason work was so awful was that it was just so boring! It's January - Everyone's on a New Years Resolution and nobody wants their greasy breakfasts anymore. They want apples and fruit smoothy juices. However, we don't sell 'em!
I need stimulation to get me through my day and pacing up and down behind the counter just doesn't suit. It is good exercise though, it set me up for the gym afterwards anyways!

Well, I'm back there in about 8 hours.

Things can only get better.